Menyiapkan lokasi budidaya ikan nila. To prepare area for pond must be careful, because there the fishes will cultured, and produced continiously. Survey is very interesting to see it before choosing or fixing as a location. Location will effect to production, and business management system. Fixing a location based on condition, space, kind of land, and water.
A. Condition of Location
A. Condition of Location
Technicaly, a location has to :
a. Near of water resources, but it isn’t flooding area
b. Water quality is good, and it isn’t dirty by industry.
c. Water is continoiusly.
d. Kind of land is luxurious and strong.
e. Space depend scale
Sosioly, a location has to has :
a. To keep areas. Or pond has to keep people life situation, and keep naturaly.
b. To use local materials. Or pond doesn’t use export materials, in order cheap
c. To use local workers. Or pond doesn’t use other workers, except experts so that safe.
d. Keamanan lahan terjamin atau tidak diganggu oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
e. Memperoleh ijin tokoh-tokoh setempat dan persetu-juan dari masyarakat sekitarnya.
Economicaly, an area of pond has to has condition, that is :
a. Near with the markets, in order easy to sell and cost of transportation cheap.
b. In the bank of road, so that easy to transport materials and yield by the public transportation.
c. Near with central of town, so that easy to get materials bay the cheap.
d. Communication is good, like telphon, faximile and handphond.
B. Width of area
Wide of area has to fixe before. It depend kind of fish, activities, and scale. Fixing wide of area is based on productive area, and unproductive area. Productive area is areas for buliding principal facilities, like mechanical filter, broodfish pond (maturition), hatchery, reservoair, spawning pond, hatching pond, and rearing pond. Whereas unproductive is area for other facilities, like worker houses, office, warehouse, and meeting room.
C. Kind of the land
Based on kind, the best land divided on two catagories, that is clay land, clay sand land. Both of kind are very good for pond. They are very easy to made ponds, because it’s luxurious and strong. Beside that, both of them are very fertile, the rich natural food. Simple method to determine them is with handful the land. If shcrub or undestroy, it’s clay land or clay sand.
D. Water
Water is principal factor in the fish culture. Because water is media life fish. Before using, the water has to known. Success or not fish culture depend on the water. Good water quality will give out the high yield, and bad water quality willn’t give out the high yield. There three factors for determining the water. That is source oaf water, quantity, quality and continounity.
1. Source of water
Fixing source of water is based kind of fish, activities, and scales. Water for fish culture can from rivers, irrigation, lakes, ground water, canal, and the other. The all of them have streng and weakness, specialy if based on economicaly and scales.
a. River
River is water which run in the surface of ground by the wide 10 m. Quantity of the river is very high, specialy in the raining season. Before using to irrigate to the ponds has to made a dam. The dam has to strong, and for making a dam in the river needs high cost. The rivers only use for 100 ponds of an area. It isn’t eficient for 10 pond of an area.
b. Iriggation
Irrigation is water which run in the surface of ground by the wide 5 m. Irrigation is from a river. Before using to irrigate the ponds has to made a dam. But the dam is littler and the cost for making isn’t higher than the dam in the river. Iriggation can be used for 10 pond. If used for 5 pond isn’t suitable, because it’s over or flooding.
c. Canal
Cannal is water which run in the surface of ground by the wide 0,5 m. Cannal can from irrigation or water ground. Before using to irrigete the pond hasn’t to make a high dam. There can be made a little dam by the some stones. Cannal is very suitable for 5 ponds, and isn’t suitable for 10 ponds, moreover for 100 pond, because water quantity is little.
2. Water quality
All of water isn’t suaitable for fishes. This water can cause the fishes deadt and it make lose. Checking water is very interesting before using, so that to know physical, biological, and chemistry parameters.
Physical consists principal parameters, that is colour of water, turbidity, and temperature. Biological factor consists kind and quantity of animal water. Whereas chemistry factor consists biological oksigent dysolved (BOD), carbondiokside, pH, alkalinity, ammoniac, nitrate, nitrite exectra.
Checking water quality can ask help to fisheries reshearch, university, and districk of fisheries offices. But this method need high cost. One of cheap method is by seeing lifely of some of fishes, like common carp and Tillapia. If the both of fishes life good, it’s indicate that the water is good for other fishes. If can’t life bad, it’s bad for other fishes.
Some of parameters of water quality for nile tilapia : temperature 25 – 30 O C, colour of water green, turbidity 20 – 40 cm by planktons, Oxygen minimal 4 mg/l, carbondiocside maximal 25 mg/l, pH 6,5 – 7,5, ammoniac maximal 0,1 mg/l, alkalinity 50 – 300 mg/l.