Pendederan pertama ikan nila. First rearing is activities to take care of larvas up to fry or fishes 3 - 5 cm in length, or avearge 4 gram in weight. It’s in the ponds for a month. The first rearing activities are pond preparation, stocking, feeding, and harvest. Selecting, and counting are the others activities.
1. Pond preparation
Fishes need high oxyigen and natural food. The both of them are very interesting in their life. Oksigen will be used in breathing. In high oxygen, the fishes can free in breathing, and make them always fit.
Natural food will be used to feed. In high population, the fishes growth fastly. In order this situation created, the ponds has to prepared before. The pond preparation activity are pond drying, dyke improvement, flating bottom, diging cannal, liming, fertilizing, and watering.
After harvesting, pond surface is wet, and dirty. There are many polutans, like poison, secretion, rest foods, predators, and diseases. It’s very not well for a pond. Because, productivity that pond is very bad. The fishes can’t live well, and can attacked diseases. Therefore, ponds must dried. Beside for lossing the polutans, the aim of pond drying also to simple in dyke improvement, ftating bottom, making cannal, liming, and fertilizing. Drying are 5 – 7 days, or depent of seasons
Dike improvement
After harvesting, dyke also break. Because slide, the dyke surface isn’t flate, and there are many leak. It’s very not well if it watered. Because, the deep can’t kep. In this situation, the fishes can’t live well, and there are many them go out of pond.
Beside that, the ponds willn’t fertilize. Baecuse, fertilizer will go out of ponds. There isn’t for them to feed. Otmaticaly, they can’t growth fastly. Therefore, before using, pond dike must be improvemed. The dike improvement method is with closed all of dike surface by mud, and bottom land.
Canal diging
After harvesting, cannal also is shallow, closed muds. Whereas cannal is very useful for fisfes. Becuse, they can’t avoid sunshine when afternoon. Sometime sunshine is very hot. Beside that, shallowy will difficult when harvest.
The fishes willn’t enter to cannal, but will distribute to other side, so that it can’t catched. This situation can cause the fishes injured, and finished it dead. Therefore, cannal must be dug. Cannal diging is done with dig, and throw away to other side.
Also after harvesting, low in pH (puisanche of the H), and alcalinity. This situation cause ponds low in productivity. The ponds can’t make good environment. Water quality will bad where oxygen always low. It’s make the fishes can’t free in breathing, and low in feed, so that they will depress, and high in mortality.
Therefore, the ponds must be limed. Liming is aimed for normaling pH. The best of pH value are seven, lower than seven is bad. The other aim of liming is killing diseases. The kind of lime is CaCO3. Doses’s depend ph value, and kind of land. Liming is done with spreading to the all of pond part, in wet or dry.
The fishes need natural food. Natural food will be fed by them, and make them growth fastly. Condition of natural food are smaller than mouth open, high in protein and easy in digest, slowly in movement, easy in production, cheap, and use local materials. The ponds willn’t fertile without fertilizer.
Therefore, fertilizing is very interesting to make it. Fertilizers are organic and anorganic. Generaly, Indonesian culturis use dry chicken manure, and dry quail manure. The fertilizing method is with spread it to the all of bottom surface.
After fertilizing, ponds watered from cannal. In order free in predators, wild fishes, rubbish, and the others, water filtered by a filament, 0,5 cm in mess in the front of inlet. Water stoped if deep in 50 cm, by closing inlet. Ponds soaked in five days for appearing natural food. In this time, the ponds is ready used.
2. Stocking
If the ponds ready, fishes stocked. Stocking is in the morning, when low tempearture. In order competition in geting areas and natural foods, the fishes are one in size. Density depend of fishes size (see table 1). Stocking is done with spread fishes to ponds. Before stocking water temperature in transporter and ponds is samed so that the fishes not stress.
3. Feeding
Natural food stock in a pond is limited in population. Only for a few days. Therefore substitution food must be given. Feeding is in everyday, 09.00 o’clock, 12.00 o,clock, and 15.00 o’clock. Kind of food is a artificial food. In Indonesia is named pellet. Dosis depend of fishes size, and stages, 10 percents in first rearing, 5 percents in twice rearing, 3 percents in thirth rearing.
4. Harvesting
After one month, the fishes is harvested. Harvesting is done by drying pond, by opening outlet and closing inlet. Waters will out of pond slowly. During drying fishes catched by waring (Indonesian catcher) one by one, entered to pails, and storaged to hapas in other pond. Dryaing stoped in 10 cm in high. The fishes rest catched until finish.
5. Handling
Handling after one hour, after fishes refresh. The fishes is separated by the rubbishs, and the fish deads. The fishes also separated by the muds, with catching by a scoopnet, than move to other hapas. In order fishes size is one size, fishes are selected by grader. Fishes in one size are accountet by volumetric system. These fishes is ready to the next.
1. Pond preparation
Fishes need high oxyigen and natural food. The both of them are very interesting in their life. Oksigen will be used in breathing. In high oxygen, the fishes can free in breathing, and make them always fit.
Natural food will be used to feed. In high population, the fishes growth fastly. In order this situation created, the ponds has to prepared before. The pond preparation activity are pond drying, dyke improvement, flating bottom, diging cannal, liming, fertilizing, and watering.
After harvesting, pond surface is wet, and dirty. There are many polutans, like poison, secretion, rest foods, predators, and diseases. It’s very not well for a pond. Because, productivity that pond is very bad. The fishes can’t live well, and can attacked diseases. Therefore, ponds must dried. Beside for lossing the polutans, the aim of pond drying also to simple in dyke improvement, ftating bottom, making cannal, liming, and fertilizing. Drying are 5 – 7 days, or depent of seasons
Dike improvement
After harvesting, dyke also break. Because slide, the dyke surface isn’t flate, and there are many leak. It’s very not well if it watered. Because, the deep can’t kep. In this situation, the fishes can’t live well, and there are many them go out of pond.
Beside that, the ponds willn’t fertilize. Baecuse, fertilizer will go out of ponds. There isn’t for them to feed. Otmaticaly, they can’t growth fastly. Therefore, before using, pond dike must be improvemed. The dike improvement method is with closed all of dike surface by mud, and bottom land.
Canal diging
After harvesting, cannal also is shallow, closed muds. Whereas cannal is very useful for fisfes. Becuse, they can’t avoid sunshine when afternoon. Sometime sunshine is very hot. Beside that, shallowy will difficult when harvest.
The fishes willn’t enter to cannal, but will distribute to other side, so that it can’t catched. This situation can cause the fishes injured, and finished it dead. Therefore, cannal must be dug. Cannal diging is done with dig, and throw away to other side.
Also after harvesting, low in pH (puisanche of the H), and alcalinity. This situation cause ponds low in productivity. The ponds can’t make good environment. Water quality will bad where oxygen always low. It’s make the fishes can’t free in breathing, and low in feed, so that they will depress, and high in mortality.
Therefore, the ponds must be limed. Liming is aimed for normaling pH. The best of pH value are seven, lower than seven is bad. The other aim of liming is killing diseases. The kind of lime is CaCO3. Doses’s depend ph value, and kind of land. Liming is done with spreading to the all of pond part, in wet or dry.
The fishes need natural food. Natural food will be fed by them, and make them growth fastly. Condition of natural food are smaller than mouth open, high in protein and easy in digest, slowly in movement, easy in production, cheap, and use local materials. The ponds willn’t fertile without fertilizer.
Therefore, fertilizing is very interesting to make it. Fertilizers are organic and anorganic. Generaly, Indonesian culturis use dry chicken manure, and dry quail manure. The fertilizing method is with spread it to the all of bottom surface.
After fertilizing, ponds watered from cannal. In order free in predators, wild fishes, rubbish, and the others, water filtered by a filament, 0,5 cm in mess in the front of inlet. Water stoped if deep in 50 cm, by closing inlet. Ponds soaked in five days for appearing natural food. In this time, the ponds is ready used.
2. Stocking
If the ponds ready, fishes stocked. Stocking is in the morning, when low tempearture. In order competition in geting areas and natural foods, the fishes are one in size. Density depend of fishes size (see table 1). Stocking is done with spread fishes to ponds. Before stocking water temperature in transporter and ponds is samed so that the fishes not stress.
3. Feeding
Natural food stock in a pond is limited in population. Only for a few days. Therefore substitution food must be given. Feeding is in everyday, 09.00 o’clock, 12.00 o,clock, and 15.00 o’clock. Kind of food is a artificial food. In Indonesia is named pellet. Dosis depend of fishes size, and stages, 10 percents in first rearing, 5 percents in twice rearing, 3 percents in thirth rearing.
4. Harvesting
After one month, the fishes is harvested. Harvesting is done by drying pond, by opening outlet and closing inlet. Waters will out of pond slowly. During drying fishes catched by waring (Indonesian catcher) one by one, entered to pails, and storaged to hapas in other pond. Dryaing stoped in 10 cm in high. The fishes rest catched until finish.
5. Handling
Handling after one hour, after fishes refresh. The fishes is separated by the rubbishs, and the fish deads. The fishes also separated by the muds, with catching by a scoopnet, than move to other hapas. In order fishes size is one size, fishes are selected by grader. Fishes in one size are accountet by volumetric system. These fishes is ready to the next.