Pendederan kedua dan ketiga ikan nila. Second rearing is activities to take care of fry up to fishes 6 - 9 cm, or avearge 9 gram. Third rearing is activities to take care of 6 - 9 cm up to 10 – 12 cm or 15 – 20 gram. Generaly, the both of them are in the ponds for a month. Another place are in the field, and integrated with chicken, or another animal.
Like in the first rearing, activities in the second, and third rearing are begun by the pond preparation. The aim of pond preparation are for making good environment. In the good environment, oxygen is high, pH is normal, karbondiokside, and amoniac are low. Beside that, natural feed are high in population.
Fry stocked in the morning, when low temperature so that don’t stress. The size of fishes has to variation, in order competition in geting areas and natural foods. Density in second rearing are 50 – 75 fry/m2. Whereas, density in third are 25 – 40 fry/m2. Before stocking water temperature in transporter and ponds has to same so that the fishes not stress.
In a pond, natural food population is limited. In second rearing population only three days, in third rearing only two days. Therefore substitution feed must be given after that. Feeding is in everyday, and three time 09.00 o’clock, 12.00 o,clock, and 15.00 o’clock. Kind of food is a artificial food. In Indonesia is named pellet. Dosis depend of fishes size, and stages, 5 percents in second rearing, 3 percents in third rearing.
After one month, the fishes is harvested. Harvesting is done by drying pond, by opening outlet and closing inlet. Waters will out of pond slowly. During drying fishes catched by waring (Indonesian catcher) one by one, entered to pails, and storaged to hapas in other pond. Dryaing stoped in 10 cm in high. The fishes rest catched until finish.
Handling after one hour, after fishes refresh. The fishes is separated by the rubbishs, and the fish deads. The fishes also separated by the muds, with catching by a scoopnet, than move to other hapas. In order fishes size is one size, fishes are selected by grader. Fishes in one size are accounted by volumetric system. These fishes is ready to the growing out.
Like in the first rearing, activities in the second, and third rearing are begun by the pond preparation. The aim of pond preparation are for making good environment. In the good environment, oxygen is high, pH is normal, karbondiokside, and amoniac are low. Beside that, natural feed are high in population.
Fry stocked in the morning, when low temperature so that don’t stress. The size of fishes has to variation, in order competition in geting areas and natural foods. Density in second rearing are 50 – 75 fry/m2. Whereas, density in third are 25 – 40 fry/m2. Before stocking water temperature in transporter and ponds has to same so that the fishes not stress.
In a pond, natural food population is limited. In second rearing population only three days, in third rearing only two days. Therefore substitution feed must be given after that. Feeding is in everyday, and three time 09.00 o’clock, 12.00 o,clock, and 15.00 o’clock. Kind of food is a artificial food. In Indonesia is named pellet. Dosis depend of fishes size, and stages, 5 percents in second rearing, 3 percents in third rearing.
After one month, the fishes is harvested. Harvesting is done by drying pond, by opening outlet and closing inlet. Waters will out of pond slowly. During drying fishes catched by waring (Indonesian catcher) one by one, entered to pails, and storaged to hapas in other pond. Dryaing stoped in 10 cm in high. The fishes rest catched until finish.
Handling after one hour, after fishes refresh. The fishes is separated by the rubbishs, and the fish deads. The fishes also separated by the muds, with catching by a scoopnet, than move to other hapas. In order fishes size is one size, fishes are selected by grader. Fishes in one size are accounted by volumetric system. These fishes is ready to the growing out.