Pembesaran nila di kolam tanah dan tambak. Tilapia can be grown in monoculture system, or don’t with another fishes. There are three method of monoculture, are male monoculture; female monoculture; male and female monoculture. The third of them have different aim.
Male monoculture has aim to get maximal growth, because male growth faster than female. Male has daily growth 0,823 – 1,83 percents. Whereas, female only 0,412 – 0,648 percents. Whereas female monoculture has aim to get broodfish. Because by the it method young spawn can be avoid.
Basicaly growing nile tilapia in the natural ponds and brachiswater ponds are same with the rearing of nile tilapia, begin pond preparation until harvest. Its different, in size of fishes, densities of the stocking, and culture long.
In rearing, size of fishes that stocked 3 – 5 cm, or 6 – 9 cm. In growing out, size of fishes are 10 – 12 cm, and have weight 15 – 20 gram or fingerling. Fishes in monosex, male or female can be goten by sexreversal. (see to get all male in other article) before.
Fingerling are stocked in the morning by density 15 – 20 fingerling/m2. But before stocking, fingerling weighed for certaining feed doses in culturing. Weighing don’t for all fishes, but only take some kilogram as a sample. (see in other article).
For growing in brackiswater pond, before stocking, fingerling are adafted before. Because salinity in brackiswater is higher than freshwater. The aim, so that fingerling don’t stress.
Adaptation is done in tank by length 4 m, width 2 m, and high 1 m. Its method by adding brackiswater to the tank one by one up to its salinity same. Adaptation minimal 6 hours. If high salinity, adaptation is better done for two days.
Differ by the rearing, substitution feed in the growing out is very interesting, although natural food has appeared by fertilizing. But it don’t enough for them. Therefore, substitution feed have to given 3 percents for a day. For growing out in the brackiswater pond doses feed can be lower, because in there appear other natural food, that is green algae (klekap).
Along culture, controling is very interesting. It’ to keep pond condition, exspecially for pond dike, and inlet. If pond dike leak, dirrect improved, by closed its part. If water don’t irrigate, inlet opened. Controling also to fishes condition. If hearth, soon take action, to avoid distribute to the other.
Growing out in the natural pond, and brackiswater pond are in 4 – 6 months. Because, in the time fishes have reach consumption. In good condition, survival rate can be reach 85 percents. In the natural pond, by 2.000 m2 can be produce 2 tons. Whereas in the brackiswater pond can produce 4 – 5 tons.
Male monoculture has aim to get maximal growth, because male growth faster than female. Male has daily growth 0,823 – 1,83 percents. Whereas, female only 0,412 – 0,648 percents. Whereas female monoculture has aim to get broodfish. Because by the it method young spawn can be avoid.
Basicaly growing nile tilapia in the natural ponds and brachiswater ponds are same with the rearing of nile tilapia, begin pond preparation until harvest. Its different, in size of fishes, densities of the stocking, and culture long.
In rearing, size of fishes that stocked 3 – 5 cm, or 6 – 9 cm. In growing out, size of fishes are 10 – 12 cm, and have weight 15 – 20 gram or fingerling. Fishes in monosex, male or female can be goten by sexreversal. (see to get all male in other article) before.
Fingerling are stocked in the morning by density 15 – 20 fingerling/m2. But before stocking, fingerling weighed for certaining feed doses in culturing. Weighing don’t for all fishes, but only take some kilogram as a sample. (see in other article).
For growing in brackiswater pond, before stocking, fingerling are adafted before. Because salinity in brackiswater is higher than freshwater. The aim, so that fingerling don’t stress.
Adaptation is done in tank by length 4 m, width 2 m, and high 1 m. Its method by adding brackiswater to the tank one by one up to its salinity same. Adaptation minimal 6 hours. If high salinity, adaptation is better done for two days.
Differ by the rearing, substitution feed in the growing out is very interesting, although natural food has appeared by fertilizing. But it don’t enough for them. Therefore, substitution feed have to given 3 percents for a day. For growing out in the brackiswater pond doses feed can be lower, because in there appear other natural food, that is green algae (klekap).
Along culture, controling is very interesting. It’ to keep pond condition, exspecially for pond dike, and inlet. If pond dike leak, dirrect improved, by closed its part. If water don’t irrigate, inlet opened. Controling also to fishes condition. If hearth, soon take action, to avoid distribute to the other.
Growing out in the natural pond, and brackiswater pond are in 4 – 6 months. Because, in the time fishes have reach consumption. In good condition, survival rate can be reach 85 percents. In the natural pond, by 2.000 m2 can be produce 2 tons. Whereas in the brackiswater pond can produce 4 – 5 tons.