Biologi ikan nila. Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is very popular. It’s from Africa Continen, and has distributed to the most countries of the world. Nile tilapia has been developing in traditional culture system in the natural ponds for small scale, and intensive culture system in the hatcheries for big scale.
Nile tilapia is cheap fish. Every levels can buy it. In Indonesia, the price of consumption only bellow 1 $ US. Why is the cheap ? Because nile tilapia is easy to spawn in naturaly, and easy in culturing. Although cheap, demand of nile tilapia is high, ang supplay is law.
Nile tilapia classified by : Phyllum : Chordata, Sub phyllum : Vertebrata, Class : Pisces, Sub class : Acanthopterigii, Family : Cichildae, Genus : Oreochromis, Species : Oreochromis sp.
Nile tilapia is length, with ratio length and high 2 : 1 in body. If it cuted in the centeral has ratio high and wide 4 : 1. Nile tilapia has head, body, and tail, with ratio 1 : 2 : 1. Mouth, eyes, noise, and cover gills in the head. Mouth is little, to split in the front of mouth. A couple of big eyes is above. A cuople of smaal noise is front of eyes. Cover gill is cover in the back of head.
Fin and skin in the body. Nile tilapia has five fin, pectoral fin, venteral fin, caudal fin, anal fin, and dorsal fin,by D.XVII.13, C.11-18, V.1.5, P.11-15, A.III.10-11. The all of fin have soft and hard stick. Hard stick is very sharp. Skin is cycloyd and cover the all of body surface, from back of cover gills until tail. Colour of Tilapia is black in the back and silver white in the stomach. It seem black and white.
Life cycle
Nile tilapia has five phase in life, eggs, larvas, fry, mature, and brood. Eggs is round, yellow, has 2,5 -2,8 mm in diameters and 0,02 mg in weight. In 25 O C, egg hatches 48 – 72 hours become larvae. For two days, larvae doesn’t eat anything, it feeds yolk in yolksack. Larvaes growth to fry in three months, and mature in six months. It’s size to consume. Nile tilapia will become brood in 10 months for male, and 12 months for female. In growth, male is faster than female.
Food and feed habits
Nile tilapia is omnivora, or fish which eats plant and animal in it’s life. After lossing yolk, larvas eats algae, small crustaceas, and benthos. Fry eats zoo and phytoplanktons, like Rotifera sp., Moina sp., Dapnia sp. Beside zooplankton, Tilapia eats plants, like tail cat, grass, mould, and other water plants. In the intensive culture, nile tilapia feed artificial food. In Indonesia, this food is named pellet.
Nile tilapia is cheap fish. Every levels can buy it. In Indonesia, the price of consumption only bellow 1 $ US. Why is the cheap ? Because nile tilapia is easy to spawn in naturaly, and easy in culturing. Although cheap, demand of nile tilapia is high, ang supplay is law.
Nile tilapia classified by : Phyllum : Chordata, Sub phyllum : Vertebrata, Class : Pisces, Sub class : Acanthopterigii, Family : Cichildae, Genus : Oreochromis, Species : Oreochromis sp.
Nile tilapia is length, with ratio length and high 2 : 1 in body. If it cuted in the centeral has ratio high and wide 4 : 1. Nile tilapia has head, body, and tail, with ratio 1 : 2 : 1. Mouth, eyes, noise, and cover gills in the head. Mouth is little, to split in the front of mouth. A couple of big eyes is above. A cuople of smaal noise is front of eyes. Cover gill is cover in the back of head.
Fin and skin in the body. Nile tilapia has five fin, pectoral fin, venteral fin, caudal fin, anal fin, and dorsal fin,by D.XVII.13, C.11-18, V.1.5, P.11-15, A.III.10-11. The all of fin have soft and hard stick. Hard stick is very sharp. Skin is cycloyd and cover the all of body surface, from back of cover gills until tail. Colour of Tilapia is black in the back and silver white in the stomach. It seem black and white.
Life cycle
Nile tilapia has five phase in life, eggs, larvas, fry, mature, and brood. Eggs is round, yellow, has 2,5 -2,8 mm in diameters and 0,02 mg in weight. In 25 O C, egg hatches 48 – 72 hours become larvae. For two days, larvae doesn’t eat anything, it feeds yolk in yolksack. Larvaes growth to fry in three months, and mature in six months. It’s size to consume. Nile tilapia will become brood in 10 months for male, and 12 months for female. In growth, male is faster than female.
Food and feed habits
Nile tilapia is omnivora, or fish which eats plant and animal in it’s life. After lossing yolk, larvas eats algae, small crustaceas, and benthos. Fry eats zoo and phytoplanktons, like Rotifera sp., Moina sp., Dapnia sp. Beside zooplankton, Tilapia eats plants, like tail cat, grass, mould, and other water plants. In the intensive culture, nile tilapia feed artificial food. In Indonesia, this food is named pellet.
Fry eats in the surface, and larva eats in the bottom. Fry is very active. It swims fastly to hunt the foods, and catch it by the mouth. The noise can kiss smell in two meters. They eat to assemble, and fight for the foods. If satisfied, they will go out there, but in one hour, they will eat again. In the culture, feeding must be regulated in proportion.
Nile tilapia isn’t fish river. Naturaly, it lives in Africa Lakes. It doesn’t like flow, and will avoid it. Although, Tilapia doesn’t flow, but it need high oksigen. Oksigen is very intersting for breathing, and keeping in strong. In the high oksigen, nile tilapia can breathes well and take food fastly. In the low oksigen, nle tilapia can’t breath well, and take food slowly. Nile tilapia is very tolerant in the high salinity, but it can’t produce eggs, sperm and can’t spawn.
Nile tilapia isn’t childbirth, like thousand fish, but it spawner. Nile tilapia spawns in the bottom, shallow and stagnant. In the deep, more 1 m and in the flow nile tilapia doesn’t spawn. Spawning in the nest. Nest is made by male like hole 1,5 – 2 time in body lengt. Male invites female to the nest.
Along spawning, male always keep female while wave fin’s. In the end, female release the eggs. In that time, male release sperms. Fertilization in the water. Female take the eggs, lay in the mouth. After hatching, female take care of in the water until larva. A brood in 500 gram has 1.000 – 1.500 eggs. Beside in the pond, nile tilapia can spawn in floating net.