Mendapatkan nila jantan dengan sex reversal. In the other article, I have imformed you that male is better than female. Whereas, you have to get males for growing out, because it’s more profitable. I also have imformed you, how to get males by the simple method. But by that method, you just 2/3 males. These don’t enough for you.
Other method to get males by sex reversal. By this method, we can get 100 percents males. Aflication sex reversal is done two ways, are soaking, and feeding. Soaking is done to larvas with just eyes shape. Whereas, feeding is done to larva has complete organs.
Follow step by step if you want to get male by soaking method:
- cut plastic 2,5 m, or 2 m.
- fold in the midle of the plastic, and enter one of them until shaped a sack two levels.
- enter 6 liters clear water to the plastic.
- Weigh 6 mg methyl testosteron (1 mg/litre), dissolve in 2 ml alcohol 90 percent, then enter the liquid to the plastic, stir up to homogen.
- Enter 1.200 – 1.500 larvas just shaped eyes.
- Blow oxygen there, and banded by ring rubber, wait for 10 huors.
- Open the plastic, reenter larvas to hatching tube, and wait for them up to hatch.
Follow step by step if you want get males by oraling mehtod :
- weigh 1 kg feed powder, and weigh 60 mg methyl testosteron.
- stir methyl testosteron to 10 ml alcohol 90 percents, and add 100 ml alcohol 70 percents, then stir up to homogen.
- pour the liquid to feed powders, and stir up to homogen
- dry the mixture in shade place, don’t dry in the sun shine.
- Stock larvas to hapas, length 2 m, wide 1 m, high 1 m, or tank by density 1.000 – 1.500 larvas/m2 .
- Feed the larvas by the feed for 25 – 30 days, by doses 20 percents in first week, 18 percents in second weeks, 15 percents in thirth weeks, 12 percents in fourth weeks.
- Harvest the fry, and cultivate in nursery ponds for three months.
Other method to get males by sex reversal. By this method, we can get 100 percents males. Aflication sex reversal is done two ways, are soaking, and feeding. Soaking is done to larvas with just eyes shape. Whereas, feeding is done to larva has complete organs.
Follow step by step if you want to get male by soaking method:
- cut plastic 2,5 m, or 2 m.
- fold in the midle of the plastic, and enter one of them until shaped a sack two levels.
- enter 6 liters clear water to the plastic.
- Weigh 6 mg methyl testosteron (1 mg/litre), dissolve in 2 ml alcohol 90 percent, then enter the liquid to the plastic, stir up to homogen.
- Enter 1.200 – 1.500 larvas just shaped eyes.
- Blow oxygen there, and banded by ring rubber, wait for 10 huors.
- Open the plastic, reenter larvas to hatching tube, and wait for them up to hatch.
Follow step by step if you want get males by oraling mehtod :
- weigh 1 kg feed powder, and weigh 60 mg methyl testosteron.
- stir methyl testosteron to 10 ml alcohol 90 percents, and add 100 ml alcohol 70 percents, then stir up to homogen.
- pour the liquid to feed powders, and stir up to homogen
- dry the mixture in shade place, don’t dry in the sun shine.
- Stock larvas to hapas, length 2 m, wide 1 m, high 1 m, or tank by density 1.000 – 1.500 larvas/m2 .
- Feed the larvas by the feed for 25 – 30 days, by doses 20 percents in first week, 18 percents in second weeks, 15 percents in thirth weeks, 12 percents in fourth weeks.
- Harvest the fry, and cultivate in nursery ponds for three months.