31 January 2008

How to build resirculation for hatching tilapia eggs

Membuat resirkulasi untuk penetasan telur ikan nila. Hatching is a phase in intensive tilapia spawning. It need clear water. Clear water can original from ground water. But don’t all of area has it, many areas poor water, espceally clear water. One of method to solve that problem is resirculation.

By resirculation system, using water more efficient. Because hatching water trace don’t out, but reused for hatching later. A unit of resirculation has tower, water tap, hatching tube, sediment tank, filter, clear water tank, and pump.

Tower made by plastic drum, fibre glass drum, by 200 litres in volume. In the bottom of drum made hole for outlet. In the hole setted a paralon pipe 2 inches in diameter. Another hole made 5 cm bellow of reach of drum for outing rest water. Tower placed by an iron rack, 1 m above of hatching tube.

Water tap setted at outlet pipe after tower, near of hatching tub. Water tub functed for reggulating discharge to hatching tub during hatching. In order to leak, setted water tud add glue, and solative.

Hatching tub made by fibre glass by cone shape, 15 litres in volume, high 50 cm, above diameters 30 cm. From water tub, end of pipe shotted to bottom of hatching tub, 2 – 3 cm of bottom.

As outlet of hatching tub, made a hole 3 cm of reach by 1,5 inches. In this hole setted a paralon pipe, and related by sediment tank. Hatching tube placed above sediment tank.

Another three part of the resirculation, sediment tank, filter, and clear water tank made in a line, by length 4 m, wide 1 m, and high 1,25 m. Sediment are 1,5 m in length, filter 1 m, and clear water tank 1,5 m.

Filter is principal part of the resirculation. Because in this part dirty water of hatching cleared. Filter shaped in horizontal four levels by 25 cm in a level. First gravels, second palm fibre, third granite sand, and fourth charcoal. In order to clear, all of materials entered to sack. Every sack of material can lift each other. In the bottom made a hole for drying.

A bottom pump placed in the bottom of clear water tank. From pump setted a stem paralon that rellated to tower. The pump rellated to electric central. If all of has setted, the resirculation ready used.

Work system of the resirculation : Water from tower irriagate through oulet pipe, to water tub. Discharge regullated at water tub. Water advantaget during hatching. Water trace entered to sediment tank, then the water irrigate through filter, and water reclear in the clear water tank.