Sumber-sumber air untuk kolam ikan nila. Water is fishes life place, also tilapia. As it, water has to enough for along times. If not, cultivate will stoped, and it can change schedul. It also to be a problem to targets.
Therefore, before making tilapia pond, discharge has to measured, what water source is suit for pond is, what water source current for along times. There are some water source for pond. These are river, irrigation, and canal.
Therefore, before making tilapia pond, discharge has to measured, what water source is suit for pond is, what water source current for along times. There are some water source for pond. These are river, irrigation, and canal.
a. River
River is water which run in the surface of ground by the wide 10 m. Quantity of the river is very high, specialy in the raining season. Before using to irrigate to the ponds has to made a dam.
The dam has to strong, and for making a dam in the river needs high cost. The rivers only use for 100 ponds of an area. It isn’t eficient for 10 pond of an area.
b. Iriggation
Irrigation is water which run in the surface of ground by the wide 5 m. Irrigation is from a river. Before using to irrigate the ponds has to made a dam.
But the dam is littler and the cost for making isn’t higher than the dam in the river. Iriggation can be used for 10 pond. If used for 5 pond isn’t suitable, because it’s over or flooding.
c. Canal
Cannal is water which run in the surface of ground by the wide 0,5 m. Cannal can from irrigation or water ground. Before using to irrigete the pond hasn’t to make a high dam.
There can be made a little dam by the some stones. Cannal is very suitable for 5 ponds, and isn’t suitable for 10 ponds, moreover for 100 pond, because water quantity is little.