23 January 2008

What are the food and feeding habits

Kebiasaan makan ikan nila. Based on the food habits, fishes divided by three group. These are herbivor, carnivor, and omnivor. Herbivors are fishes that feed plants, like Ospronemus gourame, and grass carp. Carnivors is fishes that feed animals, like African catfish, and Ophiocephalus. Omnivors are fishes that feed mixs, plant, and animals.

Tilapia is omnivor, or feed mixing, plants and animals. It’s depend age. Larva likes phyto plancton, and algaes. Fingerling likes zoo plancton, like Rotifera sp, Impusoria sp, Daphnia sp, Moina sp and Cladocera sp. When adult like biger animal, like blood warm, tubifex sp.

Based on feeding habits, fishes divided by three group. These are floating feeder, midle feeder, and bottom feeder. Floating feeders are fishes that feed in the surface of water. Midle feeders are fishes that feed in the midle of water. Whereas, bootom feeder are fishes that feed in the bottom of water.

Tilapia isn’t bottom feeder, but floating feeder, especially when catch artificial food. It move fastly to hunt it. But sometimes seen tilapia feed in the bottom, or midle, feed natural food in the dike, and stick in the water plants, or shelter.

Based of characteristic feeding, fishes divided by two group. These are fasive feeder, and agresive feeder. Fasive feeders are fishes that wait for food, or calm. They don’t move to hunt food, but wait for come them. Sand goby is fasive feeder. Agresive feeder are fishes that move fastly to catch food, like common carp, and african catfish.